Why you should get your Christmas food delivered

Cross one thing off your already full to-do list this Christmas by ordering your food from Organic and Quality Foods.
We deliver right to your doorstep!


Here are three reasons why we think christmas food delivery just makes sense:

1. You’re already busy enough

Christmas is a wonderful yet incredibly busy time of year. With so much to organise and think about, both at home and at work, squeezing food shopping into your schedule can become a bit of a burden.

Getting your Christmas food delivered is an easy and efficient way to save time and stress. You can then use this extra time to make delicious organic meals for yourself and your loved ones.


2. You don’t have to tackle the crowds at the supermarket

Trolleys ramming into each other, aisles full from side to side, children (and potentially adults) throwing tantrums and that horrible person snatching the last box of gingerbread men off the shelf as you’re reaching for it.

It’s a well-known fact that shoppers turn into monsters the second the calendar flips over to December. Maybe it’s the stress from clients pressuring them to get their work done before they all go on holidays. Maybe it’s the anxiety about seeing their extended families or in-laws for the first time in 11 months. Whatever the case, the supermarket seems to be the most common place to let off some steam. We recommend avoiding them as much as possible.


3. You know it’s fresh, high-quality food

You can never be sure where supermarket produce is sourced from and for how long it has been on the shelves or in the fridges. Ordering from local, organic food companies ensures that your Christmas ham, salad and dessert ingredients are all fresh and high quality.


Are you interested in getting fresh, organic produce delivered straight to your door? Organic and Quality Foods deliver farm-fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, cereals, nuts, herbs, spices, and more! Get in touch today or visit our online shop to get the best summer deals.

Organic & Quality Foods Update

Please note:

As we continue to work on developing our new website, there may be instances where our current program may experience minor glitches such as spinning or timing out when using the check out. Nevertheless, in most cases we will have received your order but for peace of mind, please check your email to make sure you have received an order confirmation.

We thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate through these issues. Rob & OQF Team